I am Sooooo proud of myself! Normally I use my Creative Memories Storybook Creator (and all its fun features) to create my digital art, but I have this nice graphics program (Paint Shop Pro Photo X2) that I paid good money for and yet, I have barely used half the features it offers! So today, (as if my Christmas tree is going to take itself down) I started playing around with my PSP and explored some of the features that I've seen others use (and have drooled over) and lo and behold! I DID IT! :-)
It took me all...day...long, literally - I think my butt is molded into this chair - but the above is the result. I used vector layer, and rastor layers, and beveled (which I've done before but I love the effect it gives!), and finally but finally figured out how you use shadows in this program, the only one of which I actually kept in the finished product is the text, but at least I know how to do it now!! I played with the paint brushes and textures, and I think I have a good handle now on "layers"! YIPPEE!
Anywhos...the original pic is one I got from Ava's mama in a photo session they did at home. This was one of my favorites - gotta love that smile of pure joy in the lights! She truly does light up MY life! :-)
NOW I can go to bed! :-)