Saturday, July 12, 2008

"Flowers in Grass"

So you'll have to indulge a very proud Gramma here. :-) But this is the very first piece of Ava Art for my refrigerator! Done in Crayola, with the beating of the crayon on the paper technique, this piece was completed in the past week by 11-month-old Ava. Clearly she shows an aptitude for the art world! Junior Diva in the making!! :-)


christygrant said...

No doubt a diva in the making! I can see this scanned and printed and used as a background over and over! She is simply precious, Di!

Kathy McElroy said...

What a master piece. A Picaso in training. I would frame it.

Karen Owen said...

Budding artist for sure! I know you'll miss her after she goes home.

Joanne Huffman said...

Ava is obviously following your path as an artist.


Kathy McElroy said...

I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out!