Sunday, January 03, 2010

First Snow

Not the first snow of the season (not by a long shot), though it may be the first snow of the New Year, but seeing how it's only the 3rd of January... But it is the first snow on my Erosion Bundle and Teddy is covered with it!! :-)


Aileen said...

How fun to see your erosion bundle getting a jump start on it's erosion process, I'm envious here in my mild California winter! Great job!

The Backporch Artessa said...

OOOH- Your bundle looks so INTERESTING already! I want to touch it and try and figure out what everything is!

Jeri Aaron said...

This is beginning to look great! How I wish I could conjur up some real winter weather here in Central Texas - well at least one or two days of something other than cold!

Joanne Huffman said...

It already looks interesting hanging there; just think what it will look like in April.

Deborah said...

It looks interesting! What fun!

Andi's English Attic said...

Your bundle is so open to the elements. Everything is going to be so wonderfully changed. xx

Anonymous said...

This is a marvelous bundle, so much going on, you will have lots to work with come April.