Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Holidays Altered Book Round Robin - March, St. Paddy's

March brings in the Green, and my spread in Terri's book for our Holidays Altered Book Round Robin. Terri's book, first of all, is amazing! Bound together specifically for the swap, I only hope I photographed it well enough so I can steal her idea one day! LOL! Anyway....:-)

My month in her book was March, so I did the traditional holiday, St. Patrick's Day. I had fun making the background, still practicing my skills from the online class I took awhile back. I loooove the totally random result from layering paints, papers, stamping, and more paints. Never know what you're going to end up with, and if you don't like what you did, just cover it up with more paints, papers, stamping, and more paints! LOL!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Books Have Wings....

When books have wings...Imagination soars...

My Miniature House was so kind as to donate one of its books from its meager little (actually, "miniature") library for this week's Every Inchie Monday word prompt: "Winged"   I had to tear out some pages as it would have been too thick, and added some happy little clouds and winged birds to fly alongside.

I'm not as satisfied with this Inchie as I've been with the others, but I guess you can't pull off a winner every week! LOL! I got my inspiration from a spread I did in my very first Altered Book Round Robin, and if I could find the scan I took of it before mailing it off, I would do so. It's around here "somewhere," and if I find it I'll post it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday's "Rhythm"

A lot of possibilities with today's Every Inchie Monday's word - "rhythm" - and I really tried to veer away from the obvious (something musical), but this tiny little couple kept dancing through my mind, on piano keys, no less, so what's a girl to do! Let's just say it's a good thing it was a relatively slow day at work today! :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Matchbox Swap

So I bought the larger sized matchbox I needed for this swap some time ago (actually, I bought 3, as they came in a pack of...), and then promptly lost all three. So I went back to the store to buy another package and emptied the matches out of the boxes. Do you have any idea how many matches those matchboxes hold??? If anyone needs a match, just holler...

Anyway, the idea was to art up a matchbox, then fill it with fun, little things that remind us of spring, then mail it to our swap partner. "Little," being the key word here, as they need to fit in the matchbox. 

Don't yellow and green just scream spring? :-)

There is one more little gifty that goes inside the box, but I'm not posting it just yet so it'll be a surprise to my swap partner.

Oh, and yes, I did find the original three boxes of match I thought I'd lost. As I said, if anyone needs a match....

Once all the little goodies were stuffed inside, the box
got really FAT! Hope it holds together okay in transit!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Endless Monday

When I thought of this week's Inchie word - "Endless" - all I could think of was Endless Love. Not the Lionel Richie version, though I do love that song...;) But the endless love that exists when a child comes into your life. More specificially, a grandchild.

Endless love
Endless hugs
Endless joy
Endless energy
Endless smiles
Endless giggles
Endless....well, you get the idea...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

"Dance" into Monday!

So this Inchie turned out completely different than what I had pictured in my brain, other than the little pink dancer which adorns it.

When this week's Every Inchie Monday word was "dance," I knew I'd found a use for the tiny ballerina charm that had come out of my daughter's stash of junque. :-) But the ribbon I had envisioned circling the edges of the Inchie wasn't going to happen. Mainly because I didn't have any lace, white or pink, tiny enough to accomplish this goal! And mostly because when I found the wider black lace in my shoebox full of bits of lace and ribbons, it just sort of jumped onto my Inchie and stuck there! LOL! The little beaded strip was part of a larger whole, but I cut off the fabric on either side to leave the beads, since that lace would have hidden the beautiful lacing beneath it. Add a few beads where the yarns attach and voila'! It was so easy I almost felt guilty at not spending more time on it! :-)